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Place Order

Direct Delivery from Chateau

Delivered to your doorstep

Purchasing your En Primeur wines with OPL is as simple as 4 easy steps:  

01/ Place order

Get in touch with our sales team and submit your wish list for your desired wines and quantities. We will review your order and confirm final availability and payment instructions via an Order Confirmation email within two working days.

02/ Payment

Settle your payment by mailed cheque or money transfer before the stated date on your invoice. Payment is accepted in EUR or HKD, currency rate will be provided by OPL at the time of payment. A handling fee of 10% of the wine purchase value will be applied up front at the time of placing your order.

03/ Direct delivery from Chateau

Your wines will be available in 2 years (dependent on the chateau) and our staff will contact you to re-confirm your nominated delivery and storage preference. All En Primeur wines are shipped directly from the Chateau providing guaranteed authenticity and quality.

04/ Delivered to your doorstep

Wines are subjected to insurance and ocean freight charges*

When placing your order we will ask you to nominate your preference of two options for the future delivery of your wines:

1) Shipped to Hong Kong and delivered direct to your personal address.
2) Shipped to Hong Kong and delivered direct to OPL Wine Storage facilities*

*contact our staff for more details regarding storage, insurance and ocean freight charges


Oriental Pearl (H.K.) Limited

86 Kwong Pan Tin, Route Twisk,

Tsuen Wan, N.T, Hong Kong  

​Tel:  (852) 2490 1010

Fax:  (852) 2490 1900



Selected Winery

电话: (86) 769 86013302

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“Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”

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